University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

New Student Organization Btn RSO Manuals Btn Advisor Resources Btn
RSO Manuals Btn Finance Btn Student Leadership Resources Btn

Recognized Student Organization Manuals

Current University protocols related to Covid-19 may impact the information provided in this manual.

One of the main objectives of the SOuRCe is to help develop strong student leaders and advocate for student organizations.  The SOuRCe provides a variety of outlets and means of leadership development engagement for our student organizations. Below are a few important documents and resources that we hope will help you manage your organization!

While the Recognized Student Organization (RSO) Manuals are intended to be a summary of information that is beneficial to student organizations and Campus Advisors, its readers should be aware that:

  • They are not a complete statement of all policies and procedures of The University of Akron.
  • The University of Akron reserves the right to change any policy, procedure, or program, without notice.
  • Divisions and departments on campus may have their own procedures and policies, which apply to student organizations.
  • Our goal is to make these manuals as all-encompassing as possible, however policies and practices do change. If a policy outlined within does not seem accurate, please let us know and we will gladly review and update the manual(s) accordingly.

 To view the full version of the RSO Finance Manualclick here.

To view the full version of the RSO General Policy Manualclick here.

Guiding University Policies for Registered Student Organizations

Effective July 1, 2022

Student organizations are encouraged to market programs and events throughout campus, however policies are in place which may dictate the manner in which your organization chooses to advertise.  

  • Emails: students are encouraged to utilize Zipmail and RooConnect to advertise upcoming programs, events or membership information. Mass-emails to email addresses not directly provided to an organization is discouraged.
  • Posters: student organizations are encouraged to post information about upcoming events on public posting boards throughout campus.
    • These boards can be found in a variety of campus buildings and it is the responsibility of the organization to hang and take down information. Student organizations are discouraged from hanging signs on walls, in restrooms, or on other fixtures not approved as public posting areas.
    • Please remember when using posters that the Student Organization Disclaimer must be included at the bottom of the flyer or poster. The disclaimer can be found on the SOuRCe’s RooConnect page.
  • Design: Students wishing to create marketing pieces for their organization are encouraged to utilize the free marketing services provided by the Department of Student Life. These services are provided by graphic design students who can assist organizations with the creation of tshirts, posters, flyers, etc. Please contact the SOuRCe for more details.
  • Promo Materials/Giveaways: Students wishing to purchase giveaways, t-shirts, banners, etc. must use an approved vendor (listed herein).
  • Candy/Food: If an organization wishes to hand out candy or a food item with a flyer as a promotional means, the item must be pre-packaged and not homemade or baked.
  • Chalking: Chalking is permitted on campus as a means of advertising organization events. Chalking is permitted only on outside, horizontal, exposed surfaces where rain can wash the chalk away. Chalking is not permitted on vertical surfaces, buildings, under overhangs or on steps, posts, trees, tables and the like. The university reserves the right to remove chalking at its convenience.

Raffle ticket auctions, sometimes used in fundraising, are not permitted by most registered student organizations.  

  • These are auctions in which several prizes are available to win, each with a separate basket for the opportunity to place a raffle ticket into. 
  • Additional information, if needed, can be located in the Ohio Charitable Gaming Bingo Laws. 
  • If your organization is looking to host an activity that may violate this policy, please contact the Assistant Director, Student Life via the SOuRCe.  
  • Student organizations wishing to utilize any type of bus services for pre-approved travel are encouraged to use one of the university’s approved vendors. These include Anderson, Great Day, Barons, and Cardinal.  Any other bus company needs to be approved prior to booking.  

Student organizations are not permitted to enter into any type of verbal or written contract other than the University Services Agreement with the SOuRCe office. 

As cited in the Code of Student Conduct -  

  • “Student organization.” “Student organization” means any number of persons who have complied with the formal requirements for or are actively seeking university recognition as a student organization. 
  • University authority should not be used merely to duplicate the function of general laws. The University of Akron Code of Student Conduct applies to the conduct of all students and student organizations that occurs on university owned premises or on non-university premises, where the conduct away from university premises is seemed by the university to affect the university of its students and university employees, including but not limited to: 
    • Any activity sponsored, conducted, or authorized by the university or by students organizations including but not limited to social events, athletics contest and philanthropic activities.

Hazing defined by the Ohio Revised Code in section 2903.31 states: 

  • “Hazing is defined by the Ohio Revised code as any act or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act of initiation into any student or other organization or any act to continue or reinstate membership in or affiliated with any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person, including coercing another to consume alcohol or a drug of abuse." 

Hazing as defined by the Ohio Revised Code and federal law, is prohibited. It is a violation of this rule for an individual, knowing that hazing has been or is being committed, to knowingly fail to report such information to law enforcement authorities or to student conduct and community standards. Officers of a student organization will report any hazing incident(s) of which they are aware. The consent of the victim is not a defense. 

Every member, including officers, of the organization is required to complete Hazing Education Training. This will be verified with the SOuRCe and the Dean’s Office. The full organization roster must be submitted at the time of registration. Failure of all members and officers on the roster to complete the Hazing Prevention Training will result in an organization’s loss of recognition. 

Organizations may not accept new members or officers who have not completed the Hazing Prevention Training. Organizations accepting new members or officers after the initial roster has been submitted during registration, are required to submit the changes to the SOuRCe to verify that Hazing Prevention Training has been completed. Organizations may not add new members or officers without notifying the SOuRCe and confirming that Hazing Prevention Training has been completed. It is an organization’s responsibility to ensure all roster updates are communicated to the SOuRCe, and to prohibit membership from those who have not completed the training.

In order to ensure student organizations are acting in accordance to University policy and procedures, it is always in an officer, Campus Advisor, or member’s best interest to inform the SOuRCe of an issue as soon as possible. This may include but is not limited to concerns regarding fiscal management, hazing, utilization of space on campus, discrimination, violation of a policy included herein, etc. 

    “Fronting” refers to a manner in which a registered organization reserves a space, table, venue for an organization or group of people who have not formally started a student group on campus.   

    • Fronting is prohibited, as only registered and recognized student organizations should benefit from the rights and privileges provided and noted herein.  
    • Issues of fronting will be addressed with both student organization parties immediately. 
    • If a student organization is hosting an event which may require - or benefit from - a waiver, the group will utilize the approved waiver provided by the SOuRCe. 
    • To obtain a copy of this blanket waiver, please see RooConnect or a SOuRCe liaison.  
    • All student organizations are strongly encouraged to utilize a rental vehicle if traveling more than 140 miles away from the institution.  
    • Due to liability and the unknown condition of student vehicles, the University strongly advises that student organizations utilize the rental agreements with two national car vendors.  
    • The University has agreements with two national vendors who are considered “preferred” rental vehicle vendors for campus.  
    • Students over the age of 18 may rent a vehicle with these vendors 
    • The University does not endorse the utilization of 15-passenger vans.  
    • If utilizing a rental vehicle, be sure to also request a gas card for your expenses.  

    The University has agreements with three local vendors: 

    • Consolidus LLC (The UA Shop) 
    • Global Promotions & Incentives (Shop UA Store) 
    • AG PrintPromo Solutions


    • Student organizations are restricted to utilize these vendors when looking to purchase promotion items, t-shirts, giveaways, etc.  These vendors are aware of institutional brand standards and offer competitive pricing to University-affiliated parties.  If a student organization chooses to utilize a vendor that is not approved, the University does not have to issue payment from the organizations UAF/EAF or SAF account, the balance will be left to the organization members to pay. 

        Per the contract between the University and Aramark, dining services has first right of refusal on all food orders across campus.  Additionally, due to health and liability issues, food purchased or made by an outside source is prohibited, unless proper approval has been granted by Aramark (University Catering Waiver). 

        • Aramark is aware that there are many dietary needs, including specific religious and ethnic requests, and will work with organizations to meet these needs and accommodate our guests.  
          • In the event an organization wishes to bring food on campus, the “University Catering Waiver Request Form”, found on the Aramark website and/or RooConnect, should be completed and turned in prior to the event - through the procedures/timelines stated on the form. 
        • Please note: bake sales are strictly prohibited on campus (see Terms & Conditions). 
        • Aramark also offers a “Student Organization Budget-Friendly Menu” - be sure to ask when scheduling food for your event so you can potentially save money.
        • Organizations must do the following within 3 business days before their event, or orders will be cancelled by Aramark:
          • Create an expenditure to pay Aramark and ensure it is approved through the SOuRCe
          • Place their order with Aramark
            • Orders placed less than 3 business days before an event will be cancelled by Aramark.
            • If the order is placed more than 3 business days before an event and an expenditure is still not approved within 3 business days before the event, the order will still be cancelled.
        • Contact Aramark Catering at 330.972.8215 with questions 
        • Any student organization wishing to utilize an outside contractor (DJ, Photographer, Lecturer, etc.) should complete an expenditure request on RooConnect 30 business days to any anticipated event, program, or performance.  An official invoice from the vendor will be included. 
        • The organization event/program where a vendor is being utilized must be an approved venue by the University of Akron.   
        • Lodging/travel expenses/food for the vendor will be approved through the contract creation process and payment included in the contracted fee. 
        • After receiving this request, the SOuRCe will contact your organization to discuss the additional details that may be needed.  
        • Note: the SOuRCe will not send a contract to a vendor without verifying available funds for the organization - this includes SAF/EAF/UAF. 
        • In the event an organization is requesting funding support from the government(s), the SOuRCe will wait until an allocation has been made to send the agreement to the vendor(s).  
        • Note: if the vendor you wish to use for your event is a University of Akron staff, faculty or student, they may be required to be paid through University Payroll, thus incurring additional fringe benefit costs to the student organization. The vendor, if a university employee, will also be taxed on their payment. 
        • The signed and completed agreement will be returned to the SOuRCe one (1) week prior to the event.  
        • Failure to do so, by either the organization or the vendor, may result in the inability to utilize an outside contractor or cancellation of your event.  


        Student organizations are not permitted to enter into any type of verbal or written contract  

        other than the University Services Agreement. 

        • Space requests should be made via the “Campus Space Request Form” found on RooConnect.  
          • Log into RooConnect by going to  
          • Click on “Forms” at the top of the page 
          • Click on “Campus Space Request Form” 
        • This process and form are monitored by the scheduling and events area within the Department of Student Life.   
          • The Department of Student Life will then process and confirm space request(s) based on availability and on a first come, first serve basis. 
          • Once a form is “approved” in RooConnect the organization will receive a confirmation email detailing the event time, location, and room set-up.  
          • Note: an “approved” form does not necessarily mean that the organization has received the desired space - the group should wait for the official “event confirmation” email sent from scheduling and events. 
          • It is recommended that you save this confirmation for your records.  
          • If an organization has any questions, comments, concerns, or has not been contacted after two (2) business days after submitting the Campus Space Request Form, please contact or 330.972.7373 
                  • Student organizations who fail to show up or check-in for their reserved space (meeting rooms or concourse tables) in the Jean Hower Taber Student Union more than two (2) times may lose the privilege for the remainder of the semester. 
                    • Despite the circumstances, it is the organization’s responsibility to be aware of all reservations.  
                    • To check on reservations, officers may email  

                    Registered student organizations may not use the logos or trademarks of The University of Akron for any of the organization’s activities, materials, publications, or websites without the prior approval of the Office of University Communications and Marketing (“UCM”) and must use the logos or trademarks consistent with all applicable restrictions.

                    Procedure for Requesting Approval to Use University Logos

                    • Contact UCM to obtain permission for use of the University logo.  The request should be sent to and include: (a) an explanation of how the logo will be used, including a sample,  (b) a point of contact for the registered student organization, and (c) the intended date of use.
                    • Use of the logo must be consistent with established University standards.
                    • The registered student organization must include the following disclaimer on any website or printed materials for which use of the logo is approved: 
                      • Disclaimer: This student organization is a registered student organization at The University of Akron. Registration shall not be construed as approval, endorsement, or sponsorship by The University of Akron of the student organization's publications, activities, purposes, actions, or positions.
                    • A registered student organization that is denied approval for use of the University logo may appeal the decision to the Office of Student Life by submitting a request for review to:  The appeal should include the information submitted in the request for approval and the registered student organization’s basis for appeal.
                    • Registered student organizations that (a) use the University logo without permission, (b) fail to include a required disclaimer, or (c) use the University logo to indicate University approval or endorsement of any activities, purposes, actions, or positions of the register student organization that are not sanctioned by the University may be subject to discipline under the Code of Student Conduct.

                    All registered student organizations on campus wishing to reserve a space outside on campus grounds should complete the Campus Space Request Form, which includes a request for outdoor space.   

                    • This form can be found on RooConnect.  
                    • Log into RooConnect by going to  
                    • Click on “Forms” at the top of the page and select “Campus Space Request Form” 
                    • Once this form has been completed, the form will be directed to Student Life for processing through the respective contacts {review committee} on campus.  
                    • Additional policies related to outdoor space:  
                    • It is suggested that registered student organizations request the use of outdoor space through the RooConnect form no later than seven (7) days before the scheduled event.   
                    • No vehicles are permitted on the Commons except for emergency or required maintenance vehicles or unless special permission has been obtained. 
                    • Activities scheduled should not impede emergency vehicle traffic flow, disrupt services of the University food carts, create any noise problems or complaints, create litter or damage the brick and/or light poles. 
                    • The distribution and/or selling of all food outdoors should be arranged and approved through the University Catering. 
                    • Student organizations may be permitted to set up booths/tables outdoors for the sale of miscellaneous merchandise for fundraising purposes or to promote their organization.  
                    • Any excessive sound which interferes with academic pursuits is prohibited. 
                    • Physical setup of tables, chairs, risers, electrical needs, etc. outdoors should be approved and arranged through the Department of Physical Facilities Operations Center (PFOC).  Organizations are permitted to use their own materials/equipment. Tent stakes are not permitted on any of the grassy areas due to underground plumbing and electrical.   
                    • Student organizations wishing to utilize a rental vehicle for organization travel will be asked to utilize a gas card for all gas expenses.  
                      • This card can be checked out in the SOuRCe and helps to track the expenses accurately for your trip.  
                      • To arrange a gas card for an upcoming trip, please see the SOuRCe liaisons  
                        • If a student wishes to drive their personal vehicle on an organization trip, though discouraged by the University, the student organization can only be reimbursed for mileage.  
                          • The rate for mileage reimbursements will be dictated by the University’s current rate - which can be found on the Controller’s website:  
                          • Reimbursement may not be awarded for mileage, if driving a non-rented vehicle, for trips outside of 140 miles from campus. The Campus Advisor will approve the reimbursement. 

                          SOuRCe HOURS

                          Meet with us:

                          Make an appointment 

                          CONTACT US

                          Department of Student Life
                          Jean Hower Taber Student Union 1st floor


                          MARKET YOUR ORGANIZATION

                          We can help you market your student organization.