University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

HR Training and Development

Inclusivity Training

The EEO Office, in collaboration with the Office of Inclusion & Equity and the Department of Student Life, offers regular ongoing trainings aimed at fostering an inclusive workplace. These virtual trainings consist of interactive presentations coupled with group discussions to allow participants a deeper dive into the topic presented. Trainings are open to all employees. Click here for a schedule of training topics. Please contact Tami Hannon at 330-972-8201 or with questions about the training, to suggest topics for future sessions or to register for a training.

Training and Development Courses Available Through Brightspace:

To access these training materials, please log in to the Brightspace portal using your UA Login. 

All search committee members are required to take this course regardless of past experience serving on search committees. The content has been amended to provide search committee members with consistent information. 

If you do not have access to this course through Brightspace, please self-enroll here.

For a step-by-step guide to reviewing job applicants in PeopleSoft HCM, see our Search Committee Job Aid.

Please contact Derek Brown at ext. 8402 if:

  • you have a committee member who is not a member of the campus community, or
  • your Department/Division would prefer in-person training.

Human Resources developed a concise training outlining the full-time faculty hiring process and migrated the training module into Brightspace. All Hiring Process Managers responsible for the hiring process for full-time faculty should take this training.

For a step-by-step guide to hiring full-time faculty in Peoplesoft HCM, see our New Hire Process for Full-Time Faculty Job Aid

Human Resources developed a concise training outlining the part-time faculty hiring process and migrated the training module into Brightspace. All Hiring Process Managers responsible for the hiring process for part-time faculty should take this training.

For a step-by-step guide to hiring part-time faculty in Peoplesoft HCM, see our New Hire Process for Part-Time Faculty Job Aid

For a step-by-step guide to reappointing part-time faculty in Peoplesoft HCM, see our Part-Time Faculty Reappointment Process Job Aid

All new employees which include full-time and part-time faculty, contract professionals, and full-time and part-time staff are required to complete this sexual harassment and discrimination training. This program is self-paced and can be accessed at any time.   Please contact the EEO Office if you have questions regarding this training, or if you need to register for the training.

The University of Akron's policies in regards to discrimination and harassment ensure that the University community is aware of our commitment towards an environment that fosters fairness for all.  To assist with creating an inclusive environment, all employees are offered annual online training designed to make our community aware of the resources and commitment towards maintaining an environment free of discrimination and harassment.  Information about this annual training will be provided by the EEO Office.

 Contact the EEO/AA Office at ext. 7300 or should you have any questions or issues completing the training.

The EEO Office can provide training on building inclusive environments, understanding and responding to microaggressions, understanding and managing unconscious bias, working with individuals from other backgrounds, and the Title IX process.  Prior trainings have included:

Building a Welcoming Culture

Respecting Each other – Working Across Differences

Respectful Workplaces

Identifying and Responding to Sexual Harassment

Social and Professional Boundaries

Intent vs. Impact – Understanding Our Actions

Title IX Overview

EEO Overview

Employment Basics (Discrimination and Harassment Introduction for Students)

Trainings are designed to be interactive and are customized to fit any specific needs and goals of your department.  Please contact the EEO Office to discuss options for training or to schedule a session for your department.