Center experts in the news
- UA Professor Thomas makes predictions for 2023 concerning the U.S. Supreme Court
- UA Professor Thomas speaks on Ohio Heartbeat Law
- Lawsuit to block Ohio Hearbeat Bill
- Popdcast: Joy of Resistance, NYC, on the Supreme Court’s Decision on Abortion in Dobbs
- Reuters Article: Alito's abortion history lesson in dispute
- Professor Tracy Thomas, Univ of Maryland, From the 19th Amendent to ERA: The Validity of Constitutional Amendments
- UA Professor Thomas Lays a Path for Next Generation of Women and the Law
- Prof. Gentithes on Lebanon's Abortion Ban, Likely to be Shot Down in Court
- Prof. Belsky, Interfaith leaders Stand in Solidarity for Legislation on National Police Reform
- Prof. Gentithes Comments, Chauvin Verdict Not Necessarily Indicative of Widespread Change
- Prof. Lee on Akron Asian Americans Reflect on Racism after Atlanta Shootings
- Prof. Lee on Why Goodyear Employees Can Wear BLM Gear, but not MAGA
- Prof. Belsky, Law Professor Discusses the Mask Situation at St. Thomas Aquinas
- Prof. Gentithes, Articles of Impeachment to be Introduced
- Prof. Belsky, Experts Explain Why Teen Cannot be Charged for Racist Rant
- Prof. Thomas on Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg as a Fierce Woman's Advocate
- Prof. Lee to Offer New Free Course on Racial Equality
- Prof. Thomas on the Potential Impacts of the New Conservative Supreme Court
- Prof. Thomas Comments, Virginia Just Ratified the Equal Rights Amendment, What Does that Mean?
- Prof. Thomas on 100 Years of the ERA
- Prof. Thomas on The Constitutional Legacy of Seneca Falls