Collegiate Success
The Collegiate Success Scholar program supplements the support and benefits of the Choose Ohio First Program to aid in successful degree attainment from The University of Akron.
About the program 
The Collegiate Success Scholar program started in Fall 2017 as an extension of UA's Choose Ohio First STEMM Scholarship Program.
The program is designed to support and ensure that you maintain the minimum GPA to continue receiving your scholarship(s), and also to keep you on track with the appropriate credits and GPA to complete your degree.
To qualify for the Collegiate Success program you must first receive the Akron Guarantee Scholarship and/or the Underrepresented Student Scholarship.
Academic requirements to maintain the Collegiate Scholarship:
- Maintain full-time enrollment status at UA
- Make continued progress toward a degree
- Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher
Additional requirements:
- Participate in academic coaching
- Attend events for Collegiate Success scholars
- Progress reports
- Check-in meetings
- Take the Akron Experience 101 course (optional)
- Students who apply by March 1 can register early for classes for the following semester.
Contact OARS
Phone: 330-972-7760
Fax: 330-972-5848
OARS Staff
Simmons Hall 301 (map)
277 East Buchtel Ave.
Akron, OH 44325-4000