University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Intercultural Initiatives

The Office of Multicultural Development sponsors a variety of initiatives and activities that give the UA campus community chances to participate and honor our students.

Black, Brown and Beyond Male Academy

The BBBMA is designed to provide underrepresented male high school students yearlong programming and support services with the focus of helping them prepare for and succeed in college.

The BBBMA meets once per month virtually from 11 a.m. to Noon to learn about The University of Akron’s academic programs, campus life, and student support services.

Four Spring 2023 Virtual Workshops

  • Jan. 14 - E-Sports (Nate Meeker, Director of E-Sports)
  • Feb.11 - Mechanical Engineering (Dr. Wesley Carpenter, Assistant Professor, College of Engineering and Polymer Science)
  • Mar. 11 - Education (Dr. Devon Carter, Assistant Professor of Practice, LBJFF School of Education)
  • Apr. 1 - College Financial Planning (Mrs. Tanya Lundy, Student Financial Aid Counselor)

ADVANCE Jumpstart New Student Orientation

Diverse Male Learning Community (DMLC)

  • The Diverse Male Learning Community (DMLC) is a structured learning community experience designed to support underrepresented males in their transition from high school to The University of Akron.

PASSAGE Learning Community (PASSAGE)

  • The PASSAGE Learning Community is a structured learning community experience designed to support historically underrepresented students in their transition from high school to The University of Akron.

Peer Mentoring Services

  • OMD Peer Mentoring Services provides historically underrepresented first-year students with the individualized encouragement, support, guidance, and motivation they need to succeed academically and socially at The University of Akron.
  • Get Connected with OMD Peer Mentoring Services

Goodyear Driving Opportunity Scholars Program

  • The Goodyear Driving Opportunity Scholars Program is designed to increase job readiness training for underrepresented students. Selected first-year students will be enrolled in a training and mentoring program for up to five years. This scholarship program is funded by the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company.
  • Apply for the Goodyear Driving Opportunity Scholars Program here

Black, Brown and Beyond Male Summit (BBBMS)

  • The BBBMS is a national platform for best practices and innovative strategies focusing on cradle-to-career success for underrepresented male students. The primary demographic target is college bound and college age Black males, other men of color, women of color, LGBTQIA+ individuals, and friends and allies of any underserved populations.
  • Find out more about the upcoming Black, Brown and Beyond Male Summit

Harmony Convocation Ceremony

  • The Office of Multicultural Development warmly welcomes students from all walks of life to come together and celebrate at the annual OMD Harmony Convocation Ceremony—a meaningful occasion for reflection, acclaim, and joy! We encourage everyone to join in and make this event a vibrant celebration of our diverse community.
  • During the program, we recognize students’ individual accomplishments and provide an opportunity for graduates to honor those who have helped them achieve their milestone. Graduates are honored together in one setting, as their families celebrate their hard work and dedication.