University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.


Curious about internships?

If you want to learn more about the internship process or to get started on your planning, contact our internship coordinator, Dr. Rebecca Erickson ( She will talk with you about your interests and career goals as well as provide specific information about next steps.

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What’s the benefit of doing an internship?

While your college degree may open the door to more and better jobs, gaining real-world experience and employer-identified skills through an internship can make the difference in whether you get the job.

Internships provide:

  • More understanding of what it takes to do the job and experience doing the work
  • The opportunity to watch and learn from professionals in your field
  • Opportunities to put new learning into practice
  • Enhanced communication skills as you interact with new people
  • Confidence in your knowledge, skills and abilities
  • Broader professional networks

Is an internship required to complete my degree in Sociology? 

No, in Sociology you have 3 options available:

  1. An individualized field internship experience (SOCIO 495),
  2. Completing SOCIO 401 – a course where students work collectively to provide real-world solutions to a specific problem identified by a community organization, and
  3. Completing an Honor’s thesis (SOCIO 496) - only if you are a current student in the Williams Honors College.

Each of these options is designed to ensure that every Sociology major has the meaningful experience of connecting their educational foundation to real-world responsibilities and skills.  

What should I do first? Who do I talk to?

To learn more about these 3 options and how they each might fit into your path toward graduation and advance your personal goals, contact our departmental advisor, Dr. Lia Wiley (; 330-972-7951).

If you want to learn more about the internship process or to get started on your planning, contact our internship coordinator, Dr. Rebecca Erickson (; 330-972-5157). She will talk with you about your interests and career goals as well as provide specific information about next steps.

What else can I do to begin preparing for an internship?

Create or update your resume

The professionals at Career Services can help. Check out their info at: or stop by their offices in Room 211 of the Student Union or Room 126 of the College of Arts and Sciences Building.

Start exploring internships

  • Check out the job board through Handshake by going to:
  • Talk to friends and family members about people they know might know who are working in your field of interest – they might have some ideas and connections for you to pursue.
  • Go onto Google and search “internships.” Many options will come up – begin exploring and see what you find!

There is no “wrong way” to do this! Exploring what is available near and far, along with the job descriptions, application requirements, and what you will need to apply (such as a resume and cover letter) help you learn more about what you might want to do and what you’ll need to do to pursue these possibilities.

Note down what you learn, and what your questions are, and bring them to your meeting with the internship coordinator.

Career Services

Career Services is a source for internship and career opportunities, as well as assistance in applying and interviewing. Visit the jobboard on Handshake to explore opportunities being added all the time.

UA Career Services website

Student Union, Rm 211
Polsky, Rm 451
Buchtel College of Arts & Sciences, Rm 126
College of Business Administration, Rm 260

Phone: 330-972-7747


Recent Internship Opportunities for University of Akron students

For many different paid opportunities:

Get in touch with Dr. Erickson if you have an interest in one of the opportunities listed below with the EX[L] Center at UA; she can be of help with the process – and don’t worry about your particular “major” – if you are interested, apply!

Other opportunities 

Canton Police Department

Medina County Prosecutor’s Office Victim/Witness Division

Weisenberger Law Offices

Portage County Clerk of Courts

Summit County Domestic Violence Intervention Court

  • (330) 643-2162 – within the Court of Common Pleas

Summit County Sheriff’s Office

Springfield Township Police Department

Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office

Franklin County Municipal Court Probation Department

Akron Municipal Clerk of Courts

Lakeside Association

Summit County Prosecutor’s Office


Internship Testimonials


Andrea Horaitis

"I completed my internship in the Court Appointed Special Advocate Department (CASA) at The Stark County Family Court. The CASA Department trains and appoints volunteers to represent a child whose parents have been reported to Child Protective Services. This includes conducting an investigation to determine a plan for the child and providing the recommendation to the Judge. I became certified as a CASA Guardian, attended daily court hearings in Family Court, and went on house visits to client’s homes. I was able to apply concepts from my sociology classes to my internship experience as well as gain new perspectives on the court system, court employees, and Family Court clients. I had a great experience and this internship allowed me to further recognize my interests and career goals."


John M. Livigni

"I interned with the Summit County Juvenile Court’s Probation Department. During my internship, I was able to observe the various court procedures throughout the entire probation process. I followed officers on home and school visits, met with youth currently held in detention, and sat in on court hearings that covered multiple types of cases. It was interesting to see how the court utilizes multiple programs and agencies in order to help juveniles. I got the chance to apply what I’ve learned in the classroom directly toward a real-world scenario. The entire experience was a compelling look into the justice system. Both the time spent in the court and the research project helped to strengthen my understanding of sociological concepts. Overall, this was a great opportunity, and it helped guide me toward a future career.“


Taylor Loy

"I completed my internship at the Adult Parole Authority in Youngstown. While interning with this agency, I learned the objectives and duties that are carried out by a parole officer. At the same time, I discovered how the parole and probation system works to rehabilitate offenders back into society. I conducted home visits with offenders, sat in on court hearings, went through firearms training and toured several different prisons such as Ohio State Penitentiary and Trumbull County Correctional Institution. I learned how to apply sociological theories and terms to the experiences I have endured throughout my time with the Adult Parole Authority. I had an informative and thought-provoking experience that lead me to my future career path as a parole officer."


Zacahary Gilgenbach

"I completed my internship in the Clerk of Courts Office at Stow Municipal Court. The Clerk of Courts office deals with Traffic, Civil, and Criminal cases that come into the court from the sixteen different communities they serve in Northern Summit County. While interning with this agency, I learned how the numbering process of new tickets and charges that were brought into the office. I also was shown how the Clerk’s office sets up clients on payment plans, how they schedule court dates, and was even able to sit in on a few arraignments. I learned how to apply my sociological imagination to my work and I was able connect the concepts and theories that I had learned in my classes. I found this experience to be quite beneficial because I believe that it helped me see a different part of the law and justice system, and it helped me direct my career path a little more. I also am very appreciative of this internship experience, and because of it, I was asked to work part-time in the Clerk of Courts office.”