Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.
All classes and labs are canceled.
Here at UA, we have two dynamic and active student groups: the Sociology Club and Alpha Kappa Delta.
Sociology Club focuses on career education and research experience for undergraduates.
What we do:
As per the sociologist view, we look at the community we are existing in, and society influences us and vice versa. We as a club are responsible for looking at our community and finding ways to improve it. We owe it to this wonderful community to do our best and give back as much as possible in ay way, whether that be a homeless drive, research into college students gender and their corresponding coping mechanisms, or a research symposium to highlight undergrad research, all which have been done in the past or are currently happening.
Requirements for membership:
AKD or Alpha Kappa Delta is the international sociology honor society for undergraduate and graduate students.