University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.



Lower on this page are the forms that we reference in our email and letters to you. They are arranged alphabetically in the section titled "Verification/FAFSA Processing Forms."

If your email or letter asks for documents that are not UA forms, see the "Additional Requests for Information" section below.

Tips: How to submit your information securely


If you have access to My Akron, you should use the Upload Tool in Student Center. It is the fastest and most secure way to submit.

 How to upload in My Akron: Step-by-step instructions


IMPORTANT: Please do not send any personally identifiable information (PII) by email if you are unable to encrypt it. PII includes attachments with Social Security Numbers, dates of birth, etc.

Other ways to send your information:

  • Mail: The Office of Student Financial Aid, The University of Akron, Akron, OH 44325-6211
  • Fax: 330-972-7139 (our fax machine is in an appropriately safeguarded room handled by authorized personnel only)
  • In-person delivery: 202 Simmons Hall on the main campus of The University of Akron; 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday (8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. mid-May to mid-August). 
  • Simmons Hall secure dropbox: located outside of our office on the 2nd floor of Simmons Hall
  • Email – If you feel you must email your information to our office, please encrypt the email/attachment. How to encrypt using Microsoft Outlook | Gmail.

Personally identifiable information includes:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Social Security Number
  • UA Student ID Number
  • Date of Birth
  • Place of Birth
  • Mother's Maiden Name

The forms in this section should be used only for the 2024-25 academic year, which includes Fall 2024, Spring 2025 and/or Summer 2025.

For your convenience, you can directly type your information onto all forms. You will need to print the form to sign it before submitting to our office. Options for submission are located at the bottom of each form.

The forms in this section should be used only for the 2023-24 academic year, which includes Fall 2023, Spring 2024 and/or Summer 2024.

For your convenience, you can directly type your information onto all forms. You will need to print the form to sign it before submitting to our office. Options for submission are located at the bottom of each form.

Fresh Start Default Declaration Statement Form

Loan Change Form (use this form to request a change to your loans or cancel all aid/loans)

Summer Loan Request Form (submit only after receiving the email with instructions for summer loans)

Private Education Loan Applicant Self-Certification

Nursing Loan: 

When submitting these documents, make sure you write your name and your UA Student ID # at the top of each page.

  • Copy of Social Security Card - submit a copy of your Social Security Card
  • DHS Waiting Period - The US Citizenship & Immigration Services of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has not yet confirmed that you are eligible for federal financial aid. DHS will continue to check its records and you will be notified of the result.
  • Drug Offense Answer Blank - You did not answer Q23 on your FAFSA. As a result, you are not eligible for federal student aid. Please log into your FAFSA to correct the error. A drug conviction does not necessarily disqualify you from receiving federal student aid.
  • Drug Offense Delay - On your FAFSA you reported that your drug conviction ends on or after July 1, 201X. Please contact us via the Support Center after 7/1/1X so that your eligibility for federal student aid can be determined.
  • Eligible Non-Citizen Document - Submit a copy of both sides of your Permanent Resident Card, Conditional Permanent Resident Card, or I-94 Arrival Departure Record.
  • Non-Citizen Immigrant Status - You indicated a non-citizen/immigrant status on your FAFSA. Please submit a copy of both sides of your Permanent Resident Card, Conditional Permanent Resident Card, or I-94 Arrival Departure Record.
  • Official DD-214 Form - submit a copy of your official DD214 (member 4) form
  • Proof of Alien Registration # - submit a copy of your Alien Registration number
  • Proof of Citizenship - The Social Security Administration could not confirm your citizenship. Submit a copy of your birth certificate, signed/valid US Passport, certificate of citizenship, or naturalization certificate.
  • Proof of Date of Birth - The date of birth you reported on your FAFSA doesn't match the Social Security Administration's records. Check your FAFSA for the correct SSN and date of birth. Correct any errors on your FAFSA. Additionally, submit proof of your name, date of birth, and SSN to our office.
  • Proof of High School Completion - submit a copy of your high school diploma, final high school transcript, or GED certificate
  • Proof of Name/Name Change - The name you reported on your FAFSA doesn't match the name in the Social Security Administration's records. Check your FAFSA for the correct name. Correct any errors. Additionally, submit a copy fo your name change documentation - marriage certificate, court order, etc.
  • Proof of U.S. Citizenship - The Social Security Administration could not confirm your citizenship. Submit a copy of your birth certificate, signed/valid US Passport, certificate of citizenship, or naturalization certificate.
  • Selective Service Registration Number - Register online
  • Selective Service Registration - Selective Service reported that you have not registered with them. If you are female, log into your FAFSA and correct your answer to Q21. If you are a male born before 1960, submit documentation of your date of birth to our office. If you are a male aged 18-25 you must register online. If you were unable to register with the Selective Service for any reason, submit a letter to our office describing your circumstances.
  • Social Security Number Issue - The Office of Student Financial Aid will work to resolve this issue on your behalf. If anything else is needed from you, we will contact you.

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