Modeling and Simulation
Modeling and Simulation
NCERCAMP utilizes a number of different modeling and simulation software programs to develop, validate and apply mathematical models to predict, prevent and manage corrosion.
- Conducting coordinated experimental/modeling investigative approaches using interdisciplinary teams of mathematicians, statisticians, scientists and engineers. The approaches combine scientific concepts and empirical input
- Constructing atomistic, mesoscale and continuum scale simulations of deterministic and/or stochastic models for new or existing designs, and for risk analysis
- Developing analytical solutions and/or numerical simulations (using in-house or commercial computational codes)
- Elucidating the interaction between the environment and the dynamic response of the system
- Atomistic simulations of surface layers, inner layer coatings, and binding of coatings to metals
- Crevice corrosion of corrosion-resistant alloys in fastener assemblies
- Galvanic corrosion in a variety of industrial metallic configurations
- Pitting corrosion
- Combines galvanic, crevice and pitting corrosion
- Microbially influenced corrosion (MIC) and biofilms
- Corrosion in coating/metal systems

Risk Management of Pitting Corrosion (AA1050) in Atmospheric Conditions

Researchers perform testing to develop analytical solutions
Office: 330-972-6978
Fax: 330-972-5141