University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

Materials Performance Testing

Materials Performance Testing

Materials Performance Testing is performed to understand corrosion and materials degradation resistance of a variety of materials. Our wide range of testing equipment allows NCERCAMP researchers to accelerate corrosion processes while testing a material's mechanical properties and its performance in high-temperature environments.

Accelerated Testing

  • Expose coated and uncoated panels to aggressive environments to analyze corrosion resistance
  • Accelerate damage and predict the material’s performance
  • Material degradation/corrosion processes are accelerated significantly under extreme environmental conditions
  • Tests simulate effects of sunlight, dew and rain, generating weathering data in a few weeks or months
  • Performance of metals, polymers and coatings for damage including color change, gloss loss, chalking, cracking, crazing, hazing, blistering, embrittlement, strength loss and oxidation

Mechanical Testing

  • Evaluate electrochemical, physical and mechanical properties of coatings
  • Qualification of hardness of films and coatings of materials varying from polymers to metals
  • Determination of coating adhesion to substrate through nanoscratch testing
  • Determination of coating failure mechanisms
  • Highly localized determination of dynamic mechanical properties
  • New techniques for testing reliability of commercial alloys
  • Fatigue crack growth, high-cycle fatigue, low-cycle fatigue, fracture toughness, tension and compression

High-Temperature Testing

  • Simulate operating stresses experienced in a pressurized water reactor system that is complete computerized
  • High-temperature, high-velocity (up to Mach 2) burner rig testing with capability for sand ingestion
  • Stressed oxidation testing under high-velocity, high-water-content atmosphere up to 1450°C
  • Thermal-barrier-coated (TBC) superalloy system and ceramic matrix composite evaluation
  • Understand influence of temperature on structure of metal
  • Continuous measurement of oxidation kinetics as well as change in metal structure
  • Heat treatments of materials in wide range of atmospheres and temperatures
Focused Ion Bean technology on NCERCAMP's SEM

A Corrosion Engineering student performs hardness testing on a micro-indenter.



264 Wolf Ledges Parkway
Akron, Ohio 44325

NCCS | Apr. 7-8

See details


Office: 330-972-6978
Fax: 330-972-5141