Rebecca J. Erickson Ph.D., Washington State University, 1991
Specialization: Sociology Psychology

Professor Erickson’s research interests include emotion management in work and family and their effects on well-being as well as issues related to the social psychology of the self.  Her most recent project focuses on the occupational experiences of nurses and how the emotional demands of the nursing profession impact nurses’ health and present unique challenges to healthcare organizations seeking to retain qualified nurses in bedside care.

Stacey Nofziger Ph.D., University of Arizona, 1999
Specialization: Social Inequalities; Criminology and Deviance

Professor Nofziger’s specialty areas include criminology and gender.  Her research encompasses major areas within criminology, including the relationship of criminal justice agencies and communities as well as the causes and consequences of juvenile involvement in delinquency.  Her current projects emphasize the role of self-control and lifestyles in predicting both violent offending and victimization among juveniles.

Robert L. Peralta Ph.D., University of Delaware, 2002
Specialization: Social Inequalities; Criminology and Deviance

Professor Peralta’s research interests include deviance, gender, social inequality, alcohol and other substance use and abuse, and interpersonal violence.  Alcohol use in intimate partner violence and the association between alcohol use and the construction of gender are the focus of his current research.

Juan Xi Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2006
Specialization: Medicine and Mental Health

Professor Xi’s research interests include medical sociology, migration and immigrants, and quantitative methods.  Her current projects examine the role of structure covariates in the relationship between immigrants’ English ability and earnings by testing structure-individual cross level mediation and moderation effects.