University closed – Friday, Jan. 19

Due to the anticipated significant winter storm expected for the Akron area overnight and into tomorrow, all University of Akron campuses will be closed on Friday, Jan. 19.

All classes and labs are canceled.

See complete details.

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President:   Morgan Lockett 

Vice-President:    Katelee Mata 

Treasurer:    Lauren Jacobs 

Advisor:     Dr. Insun Park 


Letter from the President

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Hello Everyone!

I am the current president of the sociology club here at the University of Akron, and I am absolutely honored to be able to welcome you to this organization. We as a club focus on the betterment of our community here at Akron U and that includes the university's most valuable resource, its student body. I wish this club to be a warm and welcoming place where together we can broaden our horizons. This club has been nothing short of amazing to me and I hope that you all get the same experience. Always feel free to reach out with questions, suggestions, or anything else. This club is a support system for all involved, so don't shy away from reaching out if you need help. Thank you for your interest in this amazing club, it wouldn't be anything without passionate students like you!

Sociology Club : The University of Akron

Learn more on our OrgSync page 


Examples of events and activities in which we participate

  • Make a Difference Day
  • Various lectures and documentary/film screenings
  • Resume/LinkedIn "workshops"
  • Symposiums and research presentations

Three members of Sociology Club took home third place in the Poster Contest at the Northeast Ohio Undergraduate Sociology Symposium at the College of Wooster. Pictured here from left to right are: Bianca Vega, Rochelle Bees and Nicole Wegman.


A sociology club student working on a community projectJoining Sociology Club is easy! Please print this form and fill it out. Then bring the form and fee to a sociology club meeting or to the Department of Sociology. 

Note that there is a $10 membership fee per academic year (which is a great deal considering most meetings have free pizza and other goodies plus many more perks all for only $10 per academic year!).